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HomeHosting ArticlesDescription of VPS Hosting Services

Description of VPS Hosting Services

To meet the need for reasonably priced, but reliable hosting solutions, vendors started an intermediate web hosting platform - the VPS hosting. This is a virtual simulation of a web hosting server that operates quite like a : dedicated web hosting server and is much more powerful than any shared web hosting account. At the same time, as lots of accounts are hosted on the very same physical machine and each person pays for their account, the cost of a VPS hosting account is much lower than the cost of a dedicated server. A low-end VPS hosting plan is a little more high-priced than the most feature-rich shared hosting package, but its system resources surpass decidedly those of the shared web hosting package.

VPS Hosting Virtualization Systems: OpenVZ and KVM

1 CPU Core
20 GB Storage
$6.00 / month
1 CPU Core
40 GB Storage
$12.00 / month

Each specific account is insulated from the rest of the accounts on the server, so each Virtual Private Server can run a different Operating System and be rebooted autonomously from the remaining ones. The Virtual Servers are managed through a virtualization console where customers can see all running processes and abort or reboot them, update server-side software, take a glimpse at the consumed and the available resources, and much more. OpenVZ, KVM, Virtual PC and VMware are merely several instances of virtualization systems used for setting up and handling virtual web server plans. They involve diverse requirements with regard to the CPU architecture, the Operating Systems they support, etc. For example, KVM can work on machines with x86 or AMD64 processors, can be activated on a web server running both Windows and Linux OSs, and permits both of these OSs to be installed on the actual Virtual Private Servers.

Managed VPS Hosting Solutions

The virtualization panel lends the client the freedom to administer the VPS hosting autonomously from the provider, saving you the time you'd have waited for their client support staff to restart a service or restore a backup. If the customer is not skilled enough, however, we have an optional upgrade that comprises OS and software application installation and update operations, VPS hosting backups, as well as dedicated admin support and troubleshooting operations. We also have a handful of VPS server datacenter facility locations to select from: North America, the UK and Australia.

Website Hosting CPs for VPS Hosting

The domain names and the web content on the virtual private web server are manipulated via a website hosting Control Panel interface, similar to a regular shared web hosting plan's. The contrast is that with web hosting accounts, users obtain one particular hosting CP, while with a VPS hosting package, hosting providers usually provide a handful of hosting CPs to pick from, and the more skillful clients can install and avail of the web hosting Control Panel they wish. Certain virtualization systems support installing a hosting Control Panel through them to make it easier for the client. Unluckily, most hosting CPs are not free of charge. Some of them require a monthly fee (cPanel wants 13 USD/month, have a peek at, while others ask for a licence fee (DirectAdmin). There are other website hosting Control Panels that restrict the amount of the hosted domains (Plesk). While we speak of web hosting Control Panel-supplied VPS hosting, it's useful to state that, by default, all VPS hosting packages supplied by us ship with the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel. It includes unlimited hosted domain name allowance. Hepsia is available at no additional licence cost, therefore the monthly cost of the virtual hosting server plan chosen by the user does not alter. Besides, Hepsia probably has the best Domain Manager on the web hosting Control Panel market.

CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu Based VPS Hosting Accounts

The website hosting Control Panel interface enables clients to handle domain name, files, databases, File Transfer Protocol and electronic mail accounts, to keep track of bandwidth and load logs and to monitor elaborate statistics about the consumed and the remaining resources. Comparable with the virtualization consoles, the website hosting Control Panels are created to work under a certain Operating System. For example, cPanel, which is one of the most famous web hosting Control Panels, performs only under Linux CentOS, while Enkompass, which is tailored by the same firm, performs only under Windows. Other hosting Control Panels like Plesk and Hepsia support several platforms. Hepsia is compatible with the CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu Linux distributions. The superiority of given hosting Control Panels over others is that they have different levels of control - administrator, reseller and client. Each level has access to a different set of specifications controlling the levels below, so it is easy to create a reseller web hosting website and start making money by offering web hosting accounts to other people. As clients will see what amount of the resources is utilized, but will not be aware of the actual figures, even a low-end virtual web server plan will be enough to set up a small shared web hosting web hosting enterprise and obtain cash.

The VPS Hosting: an Autonomous, Reasonably Priced Solution

A VPS hosting is a comparatively cheap hosting service, but it is powerful enough to support sites such as a busy web store or a big company web site. As its administration is simple, it is the preferred choice of both newcomers and skillful users.